A survey by Salesforce found that high-performing sales teams are 1.5 times more likely to base their strategies on data and analytics. This shows how much research can help in sales. So, a good research presentation can make a big difference in how well a product sells.
What is a Research Presentation in Sales?
A research presentation for sales is a specific type of presentation focused on sharing research findings that are relevant to selling a product or service. This involves presenting data, market analysis, consumer trends, and other research that can help a sales team understand their target market better, identify sales opportunities, or refine their sales strategies.
The key goals are to provide insights that can boost sales effectiveness, tailor marketing efforts to customer needs, and ultimately drive business growth. Such presentations need to be clear, concise, and actionable, turning complex research data into understandable and useful information for the sales team.
The Dos of a Sales Research Presentation
Understand Your Audience

It’s like making sure your dynamic presentation fits just right for your sales team. Think about what they already know and what they need to learn.
For example, if your team is new to digital marketing, your presentation should start with the basics.
Focus on the “why” behind your research. Show how your findings will help them in their daily sales tasks.
For instance, if your research says customers love quick service, explain how this can help in selling faster. Incorporating insights from white label marketing services can further enhance your strategies, providing specialized expertise that can streamline your sales process and improve customer satisfaction.
Do: Present Actionable Insights
Your job is to take big, complicated data and make it into clear, simple steps the sales team can use.
Let’s say your research finds that customers prefer eco-friendly products. Turn that into a clear strategy for the team to sell more eco-friendly items.
Always connect the dots between your research and real sales actions. If you discover a rising trend in online shopping, suggest specific online sales strategies.
Do: Use Clear and Engaging Visuals
Use SVGs, pictures, videos, animations, graphs, and charts to make your points clear and interesting.
For example, a colorful pie chart showing customer preferences can be easier to understand than a long list of numbers.
Infographics are great for breaking down complex ideas. Imagine explaining customer demographics through a fun infographic instead of a spreadsheet.
Do: Keep It Concise and Focused

Pick the most important points from your research that will help in boosting sales.
For example, if you have ten findings, maybe just focus on the top three that will make the most difference.
Don’t cram too much into one presentation. If you have a lot of data, maybe create separate presentations for different topics.
Do: Encourage Interaction and Questions
Make your presentation a two-way street. Ask the team what they think or if they have any presentation ideas. This makes sure everyone is involved and understands.
Add things like polls or quick quizzes in your presentation to keep it lively and engaging. Even a little intelligence quotient (IQ) test or a riddle can do wonders. For example, ask a quiz question about a key statistic you just presented. ExploreExplore Quiz Maker Plugin to create quizzes that enhance your presentations and keep your audience actively involved.
The Don’ts of a Sales Research Presentation
Don’t: Overload with Jargon and Complex Data
Keep away from using too many fancy or technical words. It can confuse the sales team.
Think about explaining things like you would to a friend who doesn’t know much about your field.
Make your points easy to understand. For example, instead of saying “increased consumer propensity towards sustainable products,” just say “More customers are buying eco-friendly products.”
Don’t: Ignore the Sales Perspective
Don’t just throw numbers and graphs at your team without showing how it helps them sell better. For every piece of data, ask yourself, “How can this help in making a sale?”
Link your research to real sales tactics. If you find out that most customers shop on weekends, suggest strategies for weekend sales.
Don’t: Neglect the Story Behind the Data
Don’t just list facts and figures. Tell a story with your data. For instance, if you’re presenting customer age groups, you could say, “Our main buyers are young parents in their 30s looking for quick and easy shopping options.”
Create a story that your team can remember and relate to. It makes the data stick better.
Don’t: Overlook the Importance of Preparation
Don’t just walk into the presentation room without being ready. You might get tough questions or face technical issues.
Practice your presentation several times. Make sure all your tech stuff like slides and projectors works fine.
Don’t: Forget to Follow Up
Don’t just finish your presentation and leave it at that. Your team might have more questions later.
Give them extra materials like a summary of your great presentation or links to more information. Let them know they can ask you questions anytime later.
How To Prepare an Effective Research Presentation
Preparing an effective research presentation can seem tricky, but it’s really about making sure your audience understands and remembers your research. Here’s how you can do it:
Understand Your Audience

Think about who will be listening to your presentation. Are they experts in your field, or do they know very little about your topic? For example, if you’re presenting to people who aren’t experts, you’ll need to explain things more simply.
Organize Your Content
Start by introducing your topic and why it’s important. Then talk about what you did, what you found, and what it means. It’s like telling a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Imagine you’re explaining your research journey, from the question you asked to the answers you found.
Simplify Complex Information
Break down complicated ideas into simpler parts. Use examples to explain tough concepts. If you’re talking about a scientific process, you could compare it to something every day, like baking a cake.
Use Visual Aids

Visuals like slides, charts, and graphs can help make your points clearer. For instance, a colorful bar graph showing survey results can be easier to understand than just saying the numbers.
Practice Your Delivery
Practice giving your presentation several times. This helps you speak more confidently and figure out how to say everything you need to within your time limit. Think about practicing in front of a friend or front of a mirror.
Prepare for Questions
After your presentation, people might have questions. Think about what they might ask and have answers ready. For example, if you’re presenting research on a new medicine, be ready to answer questions about its side effects.
Check Your Tech
If you’re using technology like a projector or a computer, check it beforehand to make sure everything works. Make sure to take care of your device maintenance because if you face problems during the presentation, whether your Mac fan is so loud or the projector is lagging, chances are it will disturb your flow and there wouldn’t be much you can do to fix it. Whether you need to find the Library folder on Mac, check Terminal history, or connect your computer’s audio and video to a projector, be sure to research these tasks before your presentation. It’s like rehearsing with your tech tools.
Be Ready to Adapt

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Maybe your time gets cut short, or the projector doesn’t work. Have a plan for these situations. For example, if you can’t show your slides, be ready to explain your points without them.
Next Steps
Remember, it’s not just about what you say, but how you say it. Tailoring your content to your audience, presenting actionable insights, using clear visuals, keeping your message focused, and encouraging interaction form the backbone of a memorable presentation. Check out how CustomShow can help you in your sales situations.