Becoming A Sales Hacker With The Right Presentation Software


After coming across this website, we thought it would be a good reminder to think of your presentation software as part of your tool kit to hack sales and grow your organization by way of sales hacking strategies that can set your company on lead generation autopilot.  Yes, any presentation software you onboard will be managed and handled by a creative or graphic designer who equipped to handle it.  But as we must remind ourselves, presentations are the second to last stage in the sales funnel.  Get that wrong, and all your work prior to falls to the way side.

Sales Hackers Beware – Presentation Software Not Sexy

If you follow our blog, we talk about many sales topics and various stages of the sales funnel.  But we know there’s a reason sales teams neglect the last stage of that funnel (the presentation).  It’s because the chase and nurturing sales leads is as enjoyable.  Putting structures and programs in place to cultivate sales leads and improve your brand voice excites most of the sales professionals we know.  But when they get to the presentation stage, they’re quick to hand it off to someone else.  And it’s not because they don’t know how to develop a sales deck.

But Presentation Software Can Be If You Make It Sexy

If you want to make presentation software sexy, you actually can and even enjoy it.   The beauty of a well put together sales deck that make you and your team proud starts with the software you choose and Pitch’s beautiful proposal templates will help you make your next presentation really stand out.  Yes, Powerpoint can do the trick but you know our stance on PowerPoint.  We belive in eye popping presentations that create a lasting impression in the eyes of your audience.  That is the sexy part of presentations we live to connect our clients to.  Presentations can be fun and enjoyable experiences that really put your organization in a different light.

Becoming A True Sales Hacker

To become a true sales hacker, you must take the presentation side of sales more seriously.  It needs to become a more central part of your sales process.  Take your presentations as seriously as you do sales and lead generation for your organization.  Remember a 20% increase in conversion at the presentation level is similar to having an effective website that converts many more visitors.  It ensures the money you invest in lead generation of fully optimized. Increase your sales with automated lead distribution tools.