Presenting People in a Sales Pitch Presentation
Consider these slide templates when your best sales pitch presentation requires presenting people. The right b2b presentation slide layout can make a big difference in effectively positioning a person or a team.
Here are a few B2B virtual sales presentation ideas where presenting individual or group of people becomes important:
Introducing yourself
Projecting strengths of your leaders
Introducing your team
Presenting customer testimonials
Presenting case studies and success stories
In this set of slide templates, we explore all of these ideas.
B2B Sales Presentation Ideas for Presenting People
Create a Winning Sales Presentation Outline for Presenting People in B2B SalesThe right shot and layout helps communicate people’s qualities
Presenting Yourself
Whether you are a lifestyle coach, a fashion designer or an aspiring artist, this presentation slide makes a bold statement about who you are and what you stand for. Circular shape transforms the photo and draws audience’s attention. Notice how a rectangular shape with contrasting color makes this layout so much more exciting. Also consider changing the solid color to a linear gradient in the rectangular shape.
Presenting Executive Leadership
If you are pitching high end consulting services, investment banking proposals or a law firm, then you will find this b2b presentation slide layout very effective. Unlike a traditional slide with small photo and long list of bullet points, this slide uses the power of the photo to communicate confidence and expertise.
Presenting Your Team
Circular shape and non-linear placement breaks the monotony of representing multiple photos on the same slide. The relative size and central placement helps highlight a key team member visually.
Customer Testimonial
Use the background image to represent the geography or the role of the person who is providing a testimonial or a quote. The thumbnail photos link to slides with additional testimonials or quotes.

CustomShow Presentation Design Tips
Displaying Circular Images
Select an image. From the right panel, select Appearance sub-tab. Set the Corner Radius value to be half of the width or the height of the photo, whichever is the largest.
For a perfect circle, choose a square photo or crop the longer dimension to make it square.
Add Your Heading Text Here
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