The Remote Sales Presentation Checklist

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Lately, it seems like we begin almost all our professional conversations with “can you hear me” before fumbling around with our Zoom audio settings. Needless to say, presenting has never been harder. Here are 5 things you should do to boost your confidence and nail your next remote sales presentation:

Give your audience a few minutes to recharge before the presentation

Push the start of your meeting by at least 5 minutes. This will give your attendees time to use the restroom, grab a coffee, or just stretch out and move around. This will ensure your audience is refreshed and comfortable for your presentation. 

Only present engaging content

Our attention spans have grown incredibly thin. If we don’t see things changing or moving every few seconds we lose interest. We live in a world filled with newsfeeds, notifications, and TikTok. With the rise of social media platforms like TikTok, people are constantly creating and sharing engaging videos. It’s no wonder that the demand for a TikTok video downloader has increased for this trend. Dump the bullet points and take the time to make your content engaging. Anywhere you find yourself describing something, opt for showing a video or animation instead. Consider using kiosk mode or guided tours to replace live demos and keep the pace of your presentation brisk.

Use an online meeting tool that supports rich media playback

Most online meeting tools are designed and optimized for collaboration. This means they split bandwidth equally for everyone on the call, rather than give more bandwidth to a presenter. Unfortunately, this means that presenting rich media (like videos, animations, 360 walkthroughs) results in choppy and blurry content being shown, rather than smooth and high definition. There are great online video conferencing tool within Zoomifier— Simulcast, that puts the presenter center stage and supports rich media playback. You can use OneStream Live for online presentation purposes to get more sales. Another tool that is not a part of Zoomifier but worth looking into is Krisp’s AI meeting note taker that saves all the important details for later discussions. Get in touch with our sales team to learn more.

Have a spotter in the chats

There is nothing more distracting to an online presenter than seeing a chat appear and wanting to address it immediately. Most presenters pause and try to address the chat, and in the process, risk losing the attention of their audience. Instead, ask a colleague to answer questions in the chat while you complete your sales presentation. Once you finish your presentation you can address questions in the chat your spotter may have missed or that you want to address yourself.

Keep relevant content at your fingertips

How many times have you had to tell an audience member you will “follow-up offline” because you couldn’t find a piece of information or content? Make sure you keep all your content easily accessible and organized while you are presenting, so you can address questions and concerns with the right content to back you up. We strongly recommend using Zoomifier’s digital library to store and access your sales content.

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