Twitter Experts Weigh in on Branding Presentations

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We took to twitter this week to ask the experts the following question: “Should you brand a presentation as you or as your client?” For example, if you’re pitching a product/idea to WalMart do you brand it as your company or in the style of WalMart? Check out what these experts from around the world have to say.

1. Ed Fidgeon Kavanagh

Chief Presentationist at Clear Presentation Design in Dublin

@CustomShow hmm I know people do it from time to time but I really find that a bit presumptuous and overall just weird! — Ed Fidgeon Kavanagh (@Clearpreso) March 31, 2014

@CustomShow I think people think that by doing it they are playing some sort of jedi mind control game. I’d say it annoys more than anything — Ed Fidgeon Kavanagh (@Clearpreso) March 31, 2014

@CustomShow it’d be as weird as if you turned up wearing a fake Walmart staff identity badge — Ed Fidgeon Kavanagh (@Clearpreso) March 31, 2014

2. Cory Jim

CEO and Founder of  Empowered Presentations Design Firm in Hawaii

@CustomShow If you are presenting on behalf of the company, the pres should be branded as such. If you are branding yourself then do so.

— Cory Jim (@coryjim) April 1, 2014

3. Krishna Lakkineni

President of ROI Media Works in Canada

@CustomShow Brand has it’s own persona treat it like how you treat your personal name with integrity & care.Reflect this in your #brandstory — Krishna (@lakkineni) April 9, 2014


Global leader in presentation effectiveness out of Liverpool

Hi @CustomShow, we are more than happy to contribute. We feel presentations should be dual branded to help show partnership+keep engagement. — m62 (@m62net) April 8, 2014

5. Brett Relander

Digital marketing consultant out of Dallas, TX

@CustomShow I would do both and establish the connection from the beginning. And yes, I tweet my work. What do you have in mind? — Brett Relander (@BrettRelander) April 8, 2014

6. Shellie Haack

Presentation designer and PowerPoint wrangler out of Chicago, IL

@CustomShow If you’re the star, it’s all brand you (teaching, coaching). If the client is the star, adhere to client’s brand guidelines. — empowerpointers (@empowerpointers) April 2, 2014

General consensus seems to be that it’s generally good to remain true to your brand. While it does depend on the presentation, the amount of effort required to have your presentation branded like the client is huge and in our experience the ROI hasn’t proved to be worth the time.

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