Twitter Pros Weigh in on Company Branding in Presentations

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We took to Twitter to ask what tips various experts may have on company branding in presentations. Check out the responses below and click on their name to go to their Twitter profile.

Twitter (X) , a leading social media platform, boasts a staggering 541 million monthly active users, fostering real-time conversations and enabling users to share their thoughts, news, and trends in concise 280-character messages. The platform has become a global hub for diverse discussions and information dissemination.

1. Visual Storytelling

there’s a reason people say a picture is worth a thousand words. The use of appropriate images for both branding and messaging is key.

2.Social media integration

adding your social media info is a great way to encourage audience engagement. For presentations to large groups of people a custom hashtag is a great way to get on the trending lists and bring in people who may not even be in attendance.

3. Personality

consistent messaging that is true to your brand’s voice is imperative. Creatively integrating various elements other then text is a useful way of maintaining interest and engagement. Check out our blog on creative tips and tricks to make your presentation pop.

4. Present to your audience

If you’re presenting to Walmart, do you make your presentation look like Walmart, or do you make it look like your brand to try and stand out? The amount of effort required to have your presentation look like the client is huge and we’d be interested to hear if anyone has done this and if the ROI proved to be worthwhile. Regardless it is always a good idea to speak to your audience and keep it targeted to what will interest them.

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